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totally fucked up

Posted by G2961 - June 19th, 2024

What happened? This individual is offended by the fact that my songs constantly get on the main page, calling me a mediocre musician, and constantly giving me 0 stars for every new song, even if it does not receive a Frontpage. Why should I blame myself for being productive? What the fuck chances am I not give for another musicans? I'm not the only one who gets to the Newgrounds homepage! I don't get to the main page every day! What is the problem? Envy? What the fuck are fake accounts? I'm not doing this!!! Never!!!!

The person literally in front of me slandered me and is trying to shit on me. Even if you did block me, you care about me since you're willing to go to my Newgrounds page every day to give me 0 stars. Why? What exactly did I do to you? Nothing! It was the first time I heard of you and I didn't give a shit about you! Now because of this unicum I can't comment on major audio collaborations on this site because he blocked me!

I don't urge you to give it 0 stars, because I'm not such a bad person. You shouldn't do that.




"gall of you", "as grating as nails on a chalkboard", "not on my watch", "relentless self-aggrandizment", "fade into obscurity"...
he certainly knows how to choose words, such an eloquent gentleman!
but zerobombing is not mature. in any way.

I'm laughing at this right now, lol! This user on this site is 15 years old, but he behaves like a resentful child who has ADHD, well, seriously.

@Creeperforce24 g2961 didn't form his point correctly - he means that v-future's account is 15 years old, not that he's actually a child or something like that

How exactly can't you view major collabs because of him? I don't see how this can get you voided on there. It's just a hissy fit thrown by this guy if at that and not just some comedy bit he's pulling.

I just can't write a comment on such collaborations, in which, as luck would have it, he often participates. I used to be able to leave a comment, but now I can't because he made up the reasons why he's offended and blocked me, lol. because if you block a certain user of this site, then it will be impossible for the blocked user to write comments and leave reactions under those projects in which he participates, for example, songs that he makes himself, or some collaborations in which he himself participates.

Bro that sounds so stupid. But there always are people like that. I like your music A lot atleast

You're right! Thank you so much for being one of those who appreciates my music! This is very valuable to me!

@G2961 That is such a fucking oversight of the system, holy shit. How is it not abused more often? I cannot believe something like that exists, that seems like such a good way to be a petulant cunt and get away with it, as long as you give the most half-assed of excuses.
Raise a big stink about this G. He cannot be allowed to do you dirty like this.Get whoevers listening to get this noticed so this doesn't get swept under the rug and forgotten about.
If he's so sure of this bullshit "conviction" of his, then he wouldn't mind showing proof, now wouldn't he?

Thank you very much! Yes, I want to make this situation public. I'm also wondering why the fuck he decided that I was creating second accounts? I have 2-3 accounts, one of them is old and was created 3 years ago, but I use them very rarely

bro is definitely not right in the head lmao.


можешь написать на русском чё случилось пжпж

Что произошло? Этот человек обижен тем, что мои песни постоянно попадают на главную страницу, называет меня посредственным музыкантом и постоянно ставит мне 0 звезд за каждую новую песню, даже если она не попадает на первую страницу. Почему я должен винить себя за продуктивность? Какого хрена я не даю шансов другим музыкантам? Я не единственный, кто попадает на главную страницу Newgrounds! Я не каждый день появляюсь на главной странице! В чем проблема? Зависть? Что за хрень - фальшивые аккаунты? Я этого не делал!!! Никогда!!!!

Человек буквально передо мной оклеветал меня и пытается нагадить мне. Даже если вы заблокировали меня, я вам небезразличен, раз вы готовы каждый день заходить на мою страницу в Newgrounds, чтобы поставить мне 0 звезд. Почему? Что именно я тебе сделал? Ничего! Я впервые услышал о тебе и мне было на тебя наплевать! Теперь из-за этого уникума я не могу комментировать крупные аудиоколлаборации на этом сайте, потому что он меня заблокировал!

Я не призываю вас ставить 0 звезд, потому что я не такой уж плохой человек. Вы не должны этого делать

@G2961 Теперь из-за этого уникума я не могу комментировать крупные аудиоколлаборации на этом сайте, потому что он меня заблокировал" что это значит

Это значит то, что я больше не могу написать комментарий на какой-нибудь новый крупный аудио коллаб, которые постоянно устраиваются, и он постоянно в них участвует, как назло. Эта тварь меня заблокала, поэтому я больше не смогу написать коммент на любой крупный аудио коллаб на НГ, хотя было охуенно всегда, потому что мне нравилось то, как много ответов я получал на свой комментарий, это было весело, но этот хуесос сделал своё.
Причём я про него нихуя не знал, я впервые про этого еблана слышу и вижу.

@G2961 был бы на твоём месте, мне было бы похуй тбх. Я зашёл в профиль к этому чувачку и у меня не было кнопки follow на нём, как я понял я тоже у него в чс, нахуя только конечно, но ладно (коментарии тоже не мог оставить).

Ебать, и тебя тоже заблокал? А, я понял, скорее всего, он тебя когда-то тоже определил, как бездарный музыкант, ахахаха. Вот он сракоблядский хуехмырь, он просто завидует, нахуй, и всё. Однако я хочу уничтожить этого бездаря, он не заслуживает здесь своё место, пока он не исправится.

@G2961 похоже на то. Кирюха заходил и чекал, может подписаться, какой то странный тип. Я его как и ты впервые вижу

Видимо он и тебе позавидовал твоими ФПшками, судя по тому, что и у тебя низкие оценки бывали, но так как я часто загружаю музло, от меня он пока не отъебётся.

@G2961 how do you answer so fast, ?.

because I am a very active user of this site

I don't know who the hell is V-Future, but the thing I do know is that he blocked me as well. That scoundrel who zerobombed your submissions and got away with it should be ashamed. Your music rocks!

I know him! He is eeehhhhh.... Eeeehhhhh ËęĖÈÆ.... I forgot

You know, a hater will do anything they can to let you down, you can block that user and keep continue making musics

@wineplume He accuses G of having a fake account but his reply sounds like it was written by AI lol

@ADR3-N re: AI - yeah i noticed that kinda thing LOL, his message to g2961 looks like it was either AI generated or (like i said before) he's just an incredibly eloquent person. if it's actually his own text and not something made by artificial intelligence - i respect his skills.
but again... fake accounts? "leaving no room for genuine talent"? "shameless self promotion"??? it's all bullshit. v-future is simply just jealous.

Buddy, you just have to know that this won't harm your entire life. You'll forget it, after all. Jealousy bewitches him, effectively, but we can't do anything about it. He's a bad guy, he will be forever.
He only made around 20 tracks compared to you who made more than 400 tracks. But, buddy, better is quality than quantity (I DON'T SUPPORT THIS GUY!). I guess that @Waterflame or whatever receives every day, every hour, bad critiques. I saw that someone rated 0 star for his "Nightmare", personally.
You're very well-known on Newgrounds, so this is a first consequence. Yes, I guess you'll bewildered, but it won't stop here. Trust me! I'm not kidding! I'm not the king, but you should take my advices seriously.
I take advantage of this message to say that I am organizing a game on Newgrounds. I advise you to check it out!

@wineplume I don't know if I'd call someone saying the exact same thing 3x in the same paragraph eloquent if it could plausibly be written by AI. Just makes him look like a smartass and self-important jerk. Maybe that's just me though, having been a wordy ass-wipe internet troll for a good decade of my internet career lol.

In that time I learned the biggest power move is speaking less, and sometimes flat out ignoring people. He could have kept quiet and actually hurt G's feelings, but instead he started music producer beef, which brought out multiple supporters!

@phenorax @G2961 that honestly sucks. I can’t believe just because somebody hasn’t gotten frontpaged yet (I haven’t) they have to block someone who has instead of getting advice?!? You should be able to comment on collaborations with him, maybe he just can’t see the comment. I hope Tom will ban him. Sorry to hear that.

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