This is sad
this is more to me than some kind of website on the Internet.
1K subs - 02.07.2024!
[cherry] team member
Joined on 10/14/22
This is sad
ignore them >:3 I know really like your music
Totally agree, @G2961!
It's your opinion, @JuedSeferX, but Community Rules are here, so please be careful when you're say something in front of everybody! This is a friendly advice I give to you.
I didn't say that, @JuedSeferX. Now, if you don't understand English, not my problem.
I blocked this idiot, so he won't be able to write shit like that again.
he's so pissed LMAO just keep grinding bro your music is awesome
Okay, @JuedSeferX, I guess it's time to get serious: I'm autistic, so I can not understand some things. Autism is a neurological disease, if you didn't notice.
Plus, I'm 16, so I'm too young to know how to protect my musical content on SACEM (it's a right distribution association).
I spoke my very first word when I was 4. You, typical people, do speak your very first word when you are 2.
There's an autistic community that I support so much, @JuedSeferX. Please consider it.
Bro, don't pay attention to his shitty comments, he's just an Internet troll who doesn't have his own personal life, as I understand it, and he takes out his unsuccessful life on innocent Newgrounds users
Yes, you're right, @G2961.
Thanks, pal!
Oh, how did you make it, @G2961?
Click on your avatar on the top right, then click on "Account Settings", and then just scroll down until you see the "blocked users" button, click and then enter the nickname of the one you would like to block
Alright, thanks.
I take advantage of this new to say to you that I'm organizing a game on Newgrounds. The entries will be closed in three days. Would you like to join? Please go on my Newgrounds news, then! I'll be happy to see you in there!
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@goldenstone @G2961
Why not to joe biden.
@wineplume @G2961 hey thats offensiv i have HDHD.
Everyone who comment :) is faithful.
@MrMcMusic @G2961 No need for bans. Just needs to stop with the spergery. Its fine if he makes interpertive art of how much he hates G and thinks hes a faggot, its another when you block him out of being able to deny him basic functions of this site just because.