Nice! You got Frontpaged after 3 months!!! Congrats! Really chill and cool song!
Nice! You got Frontpaged after 3 months!!! Congrats! Really chill and cool song!
Oh yeah, I did not even notice that! x)
I did not know that was even a thing !
Thank you for the review, I really appreciate it!
Nice work! Also FRONTPAGED! Congrats bro, you deserve it!
about the fact that it took you a little time to write this song, which got on the main page - this is the basic, lol!
HAHA, this is one of the songs that took me the least time to compose & it's frontpaged, how funny.
Thank you so much!
That's very funny!!
Thank you!! :D
I really like this song! She sounds very kind and pleasant to me! Also congratulations on Frontpaged after 3 months!
Thank you, quite the surprise!
Имба! Однако, это же по-сути Synthpop, а ты ж его терпеть не можешь)
если бы я убрал лоу фай эффект и добавил туда гитару какую-нибудь то был бы синтпоп
ThAAAAAAths so AAAAAmAAAAAzing!! I love this song!
Fire!!! A very energetic song!
thanks it took like 3 restarts for this song
(never mind im thinking of 1-A)
Nice remake!
ty ty
ебучий флекс вейп
это типо название вейпа? 🤣
Рейт 4.99, держим его!
ты что маг? откуда фронтпейдж?
Joined on 10/14/22