Oh no!
Joined on 10/14/22
Oh no!
That stinks. What about the block though? How long do you have to wait?
1 months
@G2961 Well, you COULD raise a stink about it since it wasn´t intentional, but you COULD also use it as a chance to make a backlog of songs or even experiment with some new sounds.
You do you. You could also do both.
yes, I will try to somehow raise my skill in music during this time, so as not to get discouraged and not lose my skill, because I will not do anything for a whole month.
Sorry to hear that, this wasn't your fault at all. Hope you'll be unblocked soon, if that's possible
I hope to be unblocked, although I no longer believe in it.
oh my god, that's terrifying. Just being cast out of the portal like that. I'm glad you've been unbanned
This is a nightmare for all musician. I got unscouted once and was pretty sad about it, but being banned is another level. Good thing you were unbanned.
А я то подумал когда зашёл "А где???????"
Sheesh, they BANNED you? Just like that? Someone could’ve at least told you that you were breaking some rule and given you a chance to take the remix down first.
Great to hear you got unbanned tho!
Happy you got unblocked though. Stay safe man
Wow fuck this website thats actually crazy???
H*ly… what?! I’m unscouted too…
Oh shit! I came here to ask you to check the WorldSound server… but god this was a horrifying discovery! I’m glad you’re unblocked, but damn, I say stick to YouTube and SoundCloud when making remixes, you gave me a heart attack there. Glad your ok, keep it up!
I am very sorry.