Congrats on winning "13/8 contest"! Really amazing sound!
Congrats on winning "13/8 contest"! Really amazing sound!
I'm a big fan of loud music! I really like it! It sounds like hellish!
Thank ya so much! ᕦ༼✩ل͜✩༽ᕤ And that's awesome!
So chill and amazing! I love it!
Ого, у тебя опять Фронтпейдж, Кочерга! Поздравляю! Реально заслуженно!
Yes! Frontpaged! Congrats! You haven't received Frontpaged since June 11th, so congratulations!
Artcore in SunVox? You're amazing!
thank you so much!
You create amazing and truly unique and experimental things in SunVox! Excellent work!
thank you! i'm glad you liked it!
I knew Frontpaged would get it! I didn't vain to submit your song for Music FP Suggestions! Congrats! :D
Thank you sooo much! I really appreciate it man :) !!!
Joined on 10/14/22